The Table

Children & Communion

If you are a parent that would like some help in thinking through your child/children taking communion, have a look at this document or contact the church office.

When can my child take communion?

Communion is a part of our weekly worship service at City Church Denver. It is also known as Eucharist or The Lord’s Supper. Jesus started this practice with his disciples (Luke 22:14-20, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26), and we continue it to remember his sacrifice for his people. It is the family meal for the people of God, and it nourishes us in ways that we are not fully able to grasp.

Many people wonder at what age their child is able to take communion. Some feel that children should start taking communion as soon as they are able, while others prefer that children wait until they can give a credible confession of their faith and demonstrate that they understand what God has done for them through Jesus. As you might imagine, there is a gamut of views between these two!

It’s your decision as a parent (as soon as they’re ready!)

The short answer to “When can my child take communion?” is “As soon as they are ready!” But when are they ready? Who determines that? City Church takes the position that the parents are best able to determine when their children should begin taking the Lord’s Supper.

For those who want their children taking communion as soon as physiologically possible, this will not be all that helpful; you have already made your decision and we support you in that. What follows is meant to assist our parents with “older children” as they consider this question.

A child develops

The obvious fact that children develop over time leads us to the question, “How much does this child understand about what Jesus has done?” We must remember that children grow in faith just as they do physically and socially. The way they understand the work of Jesus in ten years will look very different from their understanding right now. The same can be said of adults as well.

Questions to ask your child

Questions like the ones below may help you in deciding whether you are comfortable with your child taking communion.

Q1. Why do you think we take communion?
A1. Jesus commanded it…or…to remember what he has done for us (they may say, “I don’t know” which is why these next guiding questions are here.)
Q2. What does the bread represent?
A2. Jesus’ body
Q3. What does the wine represent?
A3. Jesus’ blood
Q4. Who did Jesus give this meal to?
A4. To his family, those who believe in him.
Q5. Are you part of his family?
A5. Yes!
Q6. Do you believe that he died for you?
A6. Yes!
Q7. Do you want to take communion with the rest of our church family?
A7. Yes! Remember, you are not looking for perfect answers but answers that are appropriate for where your child is developmentally.

Questions you may have!

Continue to bring your child forward with you as you take communion and have one of the communion servers pray for your child.

If your child asks why they are not taking communion, tell them that you are waiting for the day when they are ready and that it will happen. Also highlight that they have the special blessing of being prayed over by the communion server.

Many children are partially drawn to the table out of a desire to eat the food that everyone else is eating. Sometimes they understand very well the spiritual significance of what is happening, but seem focused on the physical elements. This is understandable and doesn’t necessarily present a barrier to participating in this part of the service.

We recommend having your child take their first communion on a family Sunday, that way you can let one of your pastors know ahead of time and they can help your family in making it a special occasion.

In addition to reminding them about the purpose of communion, talk them through the logistics of what they will do, in what order. Encourage your child to respond to each of the elements with, “Thank you Jesus.” or “Amen.” You should also model this for them.

Resources To Delve a Bit Deeper!